Friday, September 24, 2010

Activities for the Week

Thursday, September 23 -

6:00 Ringing of Chimes. Our goal is to collect 108 by the end of the week. Contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Meditation and talk on Mindfulness in Daily Life with Linda Maxwell,

We Care For Youth, Glendale

6:30 Community Pot: Bring your eating utensils and an ingredient of your choice to add to our green salad.

7:00 - 8:00 Demonstration and workshop of Flamenco by Fatima Mendoza, The Dance

Studio, Pasadena

Friday, September 24th -

6:00 Ringing of Chimes. Our goal is to collect 108 by the end of the week. Contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Meditation (Volunteers needed)

6:30 Community Pot: Bring your eating utensils and an ingredient of your choice to add to our green salad.

7:00 - 8:00 This will be a hands-on day. Do you sign, knit, garden, paint, build, drum, etc.? Come share with us how you communicate peace using your hands.

Saturday, September 25th -

6:00 Ringing of Chimes. Our goal is to collect 108 by the end of the week. Contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Meditation (Volunteers needed)

6:30 Community Pot: Bring your eating utensils and an ingredient of your choice to add to our green salad.

7:00 - 8:00 Jeni Futvoye will lead the family circles in learning to listen and speak from the heart. The Partnership For Safe Families and Communities of Ventura County

To learn more log on to

Sue Michiels will lead the drum circle.

Sunday, September 26th -

Celebration and closing.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 19, 2010

Activities for Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6:00 Ringing of Chimes.My goal is to start with 21 chimes and collect 108 by the end of the week. I collect them from my neighborhood and return them during the following week. Contributions will be grately appreciated.

Meditation with Jeff Albrizze, Zen Center

6:30 Breaking bread: Bring own utensils
7:00 - 8:00 Reflective Writing: Workshop facilitated by Elana Golden, Writing Studio, LA.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Activities for Sunday, September 19th

6:00 Ringing of Chimes.My goal is to start with 21 chimes and collect 108 by the end of the week. I collect them from my neighborhood and return them during the following week. Contributions will be grately appreciated.

Meditation with Cesar Seas, Bodhi Path Pasadena

6:30 "Bread Baking" performance: LA artists Charlie Hachadourian and Poorang Nori will perform the baking and sharing of traditional "lavash" bread in their "clay hearth on wheels."

Learn more about Relational aesthetics at:
7:00 - 8:00 The Way of the Council : Workshop facilitated by Lise Ransdall of Ojai Foundation. Bring your friends and loved ones and together practice the principles of communication and problem solving in a Council circle.
To learn more about the Way of the Council log on to

8:00 - 8:10 Q&A

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Website

Peace Tent has a new website. Please visit us at
Thank you Kat Cutright!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Daily Opening Ceremony

Ringing of Neighborhood Chimes at Peace Tent

September 19-26, 2010

Spread your wish for peace and non-violence. Ring a chime from your porch every day for a week at

6:00 PM or loan us one to ring at the Tent. You will get it back along with an acknowledgement tag.

Please contact for details.

Friday, August 20, 2010

SEPTEMBER 19th - 26TH @ Day One 175 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena


The Language of Peace

The Peace Tent will be set up on the lawn of Day One from September 19 - 26. Open daily 10:00AM - 4:00PM for visitors to sit in for quiet contemplation, meditation, or prayer to experience inner peaceful dialogue for five, ten, fifteen minutes, or an hour. Scheduled daily activities for the mind, body, and spirit.

Participants will explore ways to cultivate peace within themselves, their families, and communities.

6PM - 7PM - Bring your mats and eating utensils for




7PM - 8PM - Special Presentations (log-on to the links below for daily activities' schedule)

• The Way of the Circle workshop by Lise Randsall, The Ojai Foundation

• Non-viloent Communication workshop by NVC Center trainer

• Mindfulness in Daily Life talk by Linda Maxwell, We Care For Youth

• Flying Peace Doves, contribution of Jizo Peace Center

African Talking Drum performance

Drum Circle by Sue Michiels

Reflective writing by writing instructor Elana Golden, The Writing Studio

Los Angeles

"Baking Bread" performance by artists Charlie Hachadourian and Poorang Nori

Speaking and Listening from the Heart by Jeni Futvoye, The Partnership for Safe

Families and Communities of Ventura County

Flamenco workshop by dance teacher Fatima Mendoza

The Universal Language of Dance by Karine Armen

Planting, preparation of organic foods, and ongoing arts and crafts projects

by community volunteers

Log on to for daily updates on schedule of events at the PEACE TENT or visit our website at E-mail comments or inquiries to

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peace Tent 2010: The Language of Peace will be in Pasadena from Sunday, September 19 to Sunday, September 26. This year's activities at the tent will focus on non-violent communication. Visitors to the tent will have time and space to reflect on non-violent self talk and ways to engage their families, friends, community, and the world in peaceful conversation and problem solving.

Please visit our website at

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Peace Tent 2009

A Peace event beginning Sunday, Sept 13, 2009 and culminating Sunday, Sept 20, 2009. Sponsored by Day One, the tent and activites will be located at: 175 North Euclid Ave Pasadena, California 91101