6:00 Ringing of Chimes. Our goal is to collect 108 by the end of the week. Contributions will be greatly appreciated.
Meditation and talk on Mindfulness in Daily Life with Linda Maxwell,
We Care For Youth, Glendale
6:30 Community Pot: Bring your eating utensils and an ingredient of your choice to add to our green salad.
7:00 - 8:00 Demonstration and workshop of Flamenco by Fatima Mendoza, The Dance
Studio, Pasadena
Friday, September 24th -
6:00 Ringing of Chimes. Our goal is to collect 108 by the end of the week. Contributions will be greatly appreciated.
Meditation (Volunteers needed)
6:30 Community Pot: Bring your eating utensils and an ingredient of your choice to add to our green salad.
7:00 - 8:00 This will be a hands-on day. Do you sign, knit, garden, paint, build, drum, etc.? Come share with us how you communicate peace using your hands.
Saturday, September 25th -
6:00 Ringing of Chimes. Our goal is to collect 108 by the end of the week. Contributions will be greatly appreciated.
Meditation (Volunteers needed)
6:30 Community Pot: Bring your eating utensils and an ingredient of your choice to add to our green salad.
7:00 - 8:00 Jeni Futvoye will lead the family circles in learning to listen and speak from the heart. The Partnership For Safe Families and Communities of Ventura County
To learn more log on tohttp://portal.countyofventura.org/portal/page/portal/VCHSA/Partners
Sue Michiels will lead the drum circle.
Sunday, September 26th -
Celebration and closing.